”Something is uniquely unfair about the suffering that war inflicts on animals. They are the ultimate noncombatants.” (The Atlantic, April 3, 2022)
It is truly remarkable, although not surprising, how many pictures of the war in Ukraine involve animals. Almost 5 million Ukrainians have already fled their homeland, many bringing their pets along, but many more having to leave them behind.
CavTravels donated a total of $2,032* to the following four amazing organizations ($400 to each organization), which we’ve been following since the beginning of the war and which are doing phenomenal work on the ground in Ukraine:
Sava’s Safe Haven ($400 / 383 EUR)
IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) ($432)
UAnimals Official ($400)
Humane Society International ($400)
Sirius Shelter ($400)
The pain inflicted on both humans and animals is unimaginable, and we will continue to support in any way we can.
*The $2,032 donation consists of our March profits of $440, Pika’s IG birthday fundraiser of $232 and our personal donations of $1,360.

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